2  Introduction to Python

2.1 Introduction

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is a higher-level language than C, C++ and Java in the sense that a Python program does not have to be compiled before execution.

It was originally conceived back in the 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands. The language is named after a BBC TV show (Guido’s favorite program) “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”.

Python reached version 1.0 in January 1994. Python 2.0 was released on October 16, 2000. Python 3.0, which is backwards-incompatible with earlier versions, was released on 3 December 2008.

Python is a very flexible language; it is simple to learn yet is fast enough to be used in production. Over the past ten years, more and more comprehensive data science toolkits (e.g. scikit-learn, NTLK, tensorflow, keras) have been written in Python and are now the standard frameworks for those models.

Just like R, Python is an open-source software. It is free to use and extend.

2.2 Installing Python and Jupyter Lab

To install Python, navigate to the official Python download page to obtain the appropriate installer for your operating system.


For our class, please ensure that you are using at least Python 3.12.

The next step is to create a virtual environment for this course. Virtual environments are specific to Python. They allow you to retain multiple versions of Python, and of packages, on the same computer. Go through the videos on Canvas relevant to your operating system to create a virtual environment and install Jupyter Lab on your machine.

Jupyter notebooks are great for interactive work with Python, but more advanced users may prefer a full-fledged IDE. If you are an advanced user, and are comfortable with an IDE of your own choice (e.g. Spyder or VSCode), feel free to continue using that to run the codes for this course.


Even if you are using Anaconda/Spyder/VSCode, you still need to create a virtual environment.

Jupyter notebooks consist of cells, which can be of three main types:

  • code cells,
  • output cells, and
  • markdown cells.
Jupyter Lab
Figure 2.1: Jupyter Lab

In Figure 2.1, the red box labelled 1 is a markdown cell. It can be used to contain descriptions or summary of the code. The cells in the box labelled 2 are code cells. To run the codes from our notes, you can copy and paste the codes into a new cell, and then execute them with Ctrl-Enter.

Try out this Easter egg that comes with any Python installation:

import this
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

More information on using Jupyter notebooks can be obtained from this link.

2.3 Basic Data Structures in Python

The main objects in native1 Python that contain data are

  • Lists, which are defined with [ ]. Lists are mutable.
  • Tuples, which are defined with ( ). Tuples are immutable.
  • Dictionaries, which are defined with { }. Dictionaries have keys and items. They are also mutable.

Very soon, we shall see that for statistics, the more common objects we shall deal with are dataframes (from pandas) and arrays (from numpy). However, the latter two require add-on packages; the three object classes listed above are baked into Python.

By the way, this is what mean by (im)mutable:

x = [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# The following is OK, because "x" is a list, and hence mutable
x[3] = 17     
[1, 3, 5, 17, 8, 9, 10]
# The following will return an error, because x_tuple is a tuple, and hence 
# immutable.
x_tuple = (1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)
x_tuple[3] = 17 

Note that we do not need the c( ) function, like we did in R. This is a common mistake I make when switching between the two languages.

Here is how we create lists, tuples and dictionaries.

x_list = [1, 2, 3]
x_tuple = (1, 2, 3)
x_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # access with x_dict['a']

2.4 Slice Operator in Python

One important point to take note is that, contrary to R, Python begins indexing of objects starting with 0. Second, the slice operator in Python is a little more powerful than in R. It can be used to extract regular sequences from a list, tuple or string easily.

In general, the syntax is <list-like object>[a:b], where a and b are integers. Such a call would return the elements at indices a, a+1 until b-1. Take note that the end point index is not included.

char_list = ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']
char_list[0]           # returns first element
char_list[-1]          # returns last element
len(char_list)         # returns number of elements in list-like object.
char_list[::2]         # from first to last, every 2 apart.
['P', 't', 'o']

This indexing syntax is used in the additional packages we use as well, so it is good to know about it. Figure 2.2 displays a pictorial representation of how positive and negative indexes work together.

Python slice
Figure 2.2: Positive and negative indices

2.5 Numpy Arrays

Just like R, Python has several contributed packages that are essential for statistics and data analysis. These include numpy and pandas. These appropriate versions of these packages would have been installed if you had used the requirements file when setting up Python.

import numpy as np

array1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
array2 = np.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
matrix1 = np.array([array1, array2])
[[ 1  2  3  4  5]
 [ 6  7  8  9 10]]

The slice operator can then be used in each dimension of the matrix to subset it.

matrix1[0, 0::3]       # returns first row, columns 1 and 4
array([1, 4])
matrix1[1, 1:3]        # returns second row, columns 2 and 3
array([7, 8])

The numpy arrays are objects in Python, with several methods associated with them. For instance, here are a couple and how we can use them:

# To obtain the dimensions of an array:
(2, 5)
# To transpose a 2-D array
array([[ 1,  6],
       [ 2,  7],
       [ 3,  8],
       [ 4,  9],
       [ 5, 10]])

Here is a table with some common operations that you can apply on a numpy array. The objects referred to in the second column are from the earlier lines of code.

Method Description
shape Returns dimensions, e.g. matrix1.shape
T Transposes the array, e.g. matrix1.T
mean Computes col- or row-wise means, e.g. matrix1.mean(axis=0) or matrix1.mean(axis=1)
sum Computes col- or row-wise means, e.g. matrix1.sum(axis=0) or matrix1.sum(axis=1)
argmax Return the index corresponding to the max within the specified dimension, e.g. matrix1.argmax(axis=0) for the position with the max within each column.
reshape To change the dimensions, e.g. array1.reshape((5,1)) converts the array into a 5x1 matrix

To combine arrays, we use the functions vstack and hstack. These are analogous to rbind and cbind in R.

np.vstack([matrix1, array1])
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5],
       [ 6,  7,  8,  9, 10],
       [ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5]])
array([[ 1,  6,  1,  6],
       [ 2,  7,  2,  7],
       [ 3,  8,  3,  8],
       [ 4,  9,  4,  9],
       [ 5, 10,  5, 10]])

2.6 Pandas DataFrames

The next important add-on package that we shall work with is pandas. It provides a DataFrame class of objects for working with tabular data, just like data.frame within R. However, there are some syntactic differences with R that we shall get to soon. The following command creates a simple pandas

import pandas as pd

data = {'X': [1,2,3,4,5,6], 'Y': [6,5,4,3,2,1]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns =['X', 'Y'])
   X  Y
0  1  6
1  2  5
2  3  4
3  4  3
4  5  2
5  6  1

We will get into the syntax for accessing subsets of the dataframe soon, but for now, here is how we can extract a single column from the dataframe. The resulting object is a pandas Series, which is a lot like a 1-D array, and can be indexed like one as well.

col_x = df.X
0    1
1    2
2    3
Name: X, dtype: int64

The built-in objects in Python are lists, tuples and dictionaries. Lists and tuples can contain elements of different types, e.g. strings and integers in a single object. However, they have no dimensions, so to speak of. Numpy arrays can be high-dimensional structures. In addition, the elements have to be homogeneous. For instance, in a 2x2x2 numeric numpy array, every one of the 8 elements has to be a float point number. Pandas DataFrames are tabular objects, where, within a column, each element has to be of the same type.

2.7 Reading Data into Python

Let us begin with the same file that we began with in the topic on R: crab.txt. In Section 1.5, we observed that this file contained headings, and that the columns were separated by spaces. The pandas function to read in such text files is read_table(). It has numerous optional arguments, but in this case we just need these two:

data1 = pd.read_table('data/crab.txt', header=0, sep="\\s+")
   color  spine  width  satell  weight
0      3      3   28.3       8    3.05
1      4      3   22.5       0    1.55
2      2      1   26.0       9    2.30
3      4      3   24.8       0    2.10
4      4      3   26.0       4    2.60

Do take note of the differences with R - the input to the header argument corresponds to the line number containing the column names. Secondly, the head() function is a method belonging to the DataFrame object.

When the file does not contain column names, we can supply them (as a list or numpy array) when we read the data in. Here is an example:

varnames = ["Subject", "Gender", "CA1", "CA2", "HW"]
data2 = pd.read_table('data/ex_1.txt', header=None, 
                      names=varnames, sep="\\s+")
   Subject Gender  CA1  CA2 HW
0       10      M   80   84  A
1        7      M   85   89  A
2        4      F   90   86  B
3       20      M   82   85  B
4       25      F   94   94  A
5       14      F   88   84  C

2.8 Subsetting DataFrames with Pandas

DataFrames in pandas are indexed for efficient searching and retrieval. When subsetting them, we have to add either .loc or .iloc and use it with square brackets.

The .loc notation is used when we wish to index rows and columns according to their names. The general syntax is <DataFrame>.loc[ , ]. A slice operator can be used for each row subset and column subset to be retrieved.

# retrieve rows 0,1,2 and columns from color to width
data1.loc[0:2, 'color':'width']
   color  spine  width
0      3      3   28.3
1      4      3   22.5
2      2      1   26.0
# retrieve every second row starting from row 0 until row 5, and all columns
data1.loc[0:5:2, ]
   color  spine  width  satell  weight
0      3      3   28.3       8    3.05
2      2      1   26.0       9    2.30
4      4      3   26.0       4    2.60

The .iloc notation is used when we wish to index rows and columns using integer values. The general syntax is similar; try this and observe the difference with .loc.

data1.iloc[0:2, 0:2]
   color  spine
0      3      3
1      4      3

If you notice, the .iloc notation respects the rules of the in-built slice operator, in the sense that the end point is not included in the output. On the other hand, the .loc notation includes the end point.

In data analysis, a common requirement is to subset a dataframe according to values in columns. Just like in R, this is achieved with logical values.

data2[data2.Gender == "M"]
   Subject Gender  CA1  CA2 HW
0       10      M   80   84  A
1        7      M   85   89  A
3       20      M   82   85  B
data2[(data2.Gender == "M") & (data2.CA2 > 85)]
   Subject Gender  CA1  CA2 HW
1        7      M   85   89  A

2.9 Loops in Python

It is extremely efficient to execute “for” loops in Python. Many objects in Python are iterators, which means they can be iterated over. Lists, tuples and dictionaries can all be iterated over very easily.

Before getting down to examples, take note that Python does not use curly braces to denote code blocks. Instead, these are defined by the number of indentations in a line.

for i in x[:2]:
  print(f"The current element is {i}.")
The current element is 1.
The current element is 3.

Notice how we do not need to set up any running index; the object is just iterated over directly. The argument to the print() function is an f-string. It is the recommended way to create string literals that can vary according to arguments.

Here is another example of iteration, this time using dictionaries which have key-value pairs. In this case, we iterate over the keys.

dict1 = {'holmes': 'male', 'watson': 'male', 'mycroft': 'male', 
         'hudson': 'female', 'moriarty': 'male', 'adler': 'female'}
# dict1['hudson']

for x in dict1.keys():
    print(f"The gender of {x} is {dict1[x]}")
The gender of holmes is male
The gender of watson is male
The gender of mycroft is male
The gender of hudson is female
The gender of moriarty is male
The gender of adler is female

In Section 1.7, we wrote a block of code that incremented an integer until the square was greater than 36. Here is the Python version of that code:

x = 0          
test = True 

while test:
    x += 1  
    test = x < 6
    print(f"{x**2}, {test}")
1, True
4, True
9, True
16, True
25, True
36, False

It is also straightforward to write a for-loop to perform the above, since we know when the break-point of the loop will be. The np.arange() function generates evenly spaced integers.

for y in np.arange(6):
    print(f"The square of {y} is {y**2}.")
The square of 0 is 0.
The square of 1 is 1.
The square of 2 is 4.
The square of 3 is 9.
The square of 4 is 16.
The square of 5 is 25.

2.10 User Defined Functions

The syntax for creating a new function in Python is as follows:

def fn_name(arguments):
  Python statements
  Returned object

Here is the same function as earlier, computing the circumference of a circle with a given radius.

import math

def circumference(radius):
    return 2 * math.pi * radius 


2.11 Miscellaneous

Package installation

So far, we have used numpy and pandas, but we shall need to call upon a few other add-on packages we proceed in the course. These include statsmodels, scipy and matplotlib.

Getting help

Most functions in Python are well-documented. In order to access this documentation from within a Jupyter notebook, use the ? operator. For more details, including the source code, use the ?? operator. For instance, for more details of the pd.read_csv() function, you can execute this command:


The internet is full of examples and how-to’s for Python; help is typically just a Google search or a chatGPT query away. However, it is always better to learn from the ground up instead of through snippets for specific tasks. Please look through the websites in Section 2.13.1 below.

2.12 Major Differences with R

Before we leave this topic, take note of some very obvious differences with R:

  1. The assignment operator in R is <-; for Python it is =.
  2. When creating vectors in R, you will need c( ), but in Python, this is not the case.
  3. R implements it’s object oriented mechanism in a different manner from Python. For instance, when plotting with R, you would call plot(<object>) but in Python, you would call <object>.plot(). In Python, the methods belong to the class, but not in R.

2.13 References

Website References

  1. Beginner’s guide to Numpy: This is from the official numpy documentation website.
  2. 10 minutes to Pandas: This is a quickstart to pandas, from the official website. You can find more tutorials on this page too.
  3. Python official documentation: This is from the official Python page. It contains a tutorial, an overview of all built-in packages, and several howto’s, including on regular expression. A very good website to learn from.
  4. Python download
  5. Jupyter Lab help

  1. i.e., Python without any packages imported.↩︎